Pe 31 iulie 2014, Protopopul
Vladimir Kreslyansky, un cleric ucrainean al Bisericii Ortodoxe Sf. Gheorghe, a
fost ucis de armata ucraineană în timpul bombardamentelor de la Lugansk, cu
bombe cu dispersie interzise. Părintele Vladimir, care a fost rănit mortal, a
îngenuncheat înainte de a muri, să se roage ca restul bombelor cu dispersie,
aruncate din paraşută, să nu explodeze. Dumnezeu a revelat o minune prin mijlocirile
preotului pe moarte, iar bombele au căzut treptat pe pământ şi într-adevăr, nu
au explodat.
Dar nu este doar un miracol, ci un
miracol semnificativ.
În centrul oraşului Lugansk se află
biserica în cinstea icoanei Maicii Domnului „a sensibilităţii”. La data de 31
iulie, la ora 19:30, după slujba de seară, Pr. Vladimir a ieșit din acea
biserică pe stradă şi condus acasă. Aceasta a fost în ajunul prăznuirii unuia
dintre sfinţii cei mai veneraţi în Biserica Ortodoxă Rusă, Sf. Serafim de
Sarov: 1 august celebrează găsirea moaștelor sale, care a avut loc în 1903.
Mergând pe stradă, Pr. Vladimir a văzut deodată pe cer un bombardier care a
aruncat opt bombe cu dispersie de 500 de kilograme de pe paraşute. Părintele
Vladimir Kreslyansky a fost atins de tijele unei bombe de 500 de kg, aruncată
din avion și care a explodat în apropierea sa. Rănit mortal în piept și brațul
stâng, cu hemoragie puternică, ţinând brațul rănit la piept şi făcându-şi cruce
cu mâna dreaptă care nu fusese rănită, a găsit puterea de a se așeza pe
genunchi și a se ruga pentru ca celelalte 7 bombe să nu explodeze la contactul
cu solul. Minunea aceasta este cu frică și cutremur povestită de martori.
Bombele au străpuns asfaltul precum cuţitul străpunge untul, fără să explodeze.
După această minune, părintele Vladimir şi-a dat sufletul în mâinile lui
Hristos. A murit în genunchi, la fel cum Sf. Serafim de Sarov a murit cu mulţi
ani înainte. În 1833, Sf. Serafim a murit în timp ce se ruga, îngenuncheat în
faţa icoanei Maicii Domnului „a sensibilităţii”.
The Martyrdom of Archpriest
Vladimir Kreslyansky
(, 09 September 2014)
On July 31st Archpriest Vladimir
Kreslyansky, a cleric of St. George's Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow
Patriarchate, was killed by the Ukrainian army during their bombing of Lugansk
with banned cluster bombs. He is survived by five children.
Before reading further, cauthion is
advised because of a disturbing and a grafic image.
(He is shown in this photo with his
wife [Matushka] and three of his children in happier days. His daughter, not
shown here, is Sister Nika of our monastery.)
Father Vladimir, having been
mortally wounded, knelt down before he died to pray that the rest of the
cluster bombs, descending by parachute, would not explode. The Lord revealed a
miracle through the intercessions of the dying priest - the bombs gradually
fell upon the ground and they indeed did not explode.
But it's not just a miracle, but a
significant miracle.
In the centre of Lugansk stands the
temple in honour of the icon of the Mother of God of "Tenderness". On
July 31st at 7:30, following the evening service, Fr. Vladimir went out from
that very church onto the street and headed home.
It was on the eve of one of the
most revered saints in the Russia Orthodox Church, St. Seraphim of Sarov:
August 1st celebrates the finding of his relics which occurred in 1903.
The Church's day begins on the
evening before at 5 P.M., so that means that on the evening of July 31st, Fr.
Vladimir began, by his prayerful effort, that very feast of the Sarov wonder
Approaching Chapaev Street, he
suddenly saw in the sky a bomber that dropped eight 500-kilogram cluster bombs
on parachutes. This type of bomb explodes before hitting the ground, when a
corresponding sensor is triggered, increasing the destructive effect. This
occurred around a densely populated area with a lot of residential housing and
at a time when a lot of pedestrians are on the street. The Ukrainian army
usually shoots and bombs either at night or early in the morning.
After the explosion of the first
two bombs, father was mortally wounded in the chest and left arm. Holding his
wounded arm to his chest, Fr. Vladimir came out of the passage between the
houses onto Chapaev Street. He knelt down and started praying, crossing himself
with his uninjured right hand. The other six cluster bombs that fell on the
residential area, did not explode. Through his prayers, no one else was killed.
So Fr. Vladimir was granted, on the
day of the memory of St. Seraphim of Sarov, in a like manner to die on his
knees, just as many years before this great saint had died. In 1833, Fr.
Seraphim died while praying, kneeling before the icon of the Mother of God of
"Tenderness", while extending his hands to support his bowed head.
Thus the connection is made between the name of the church, in which Fr.
Vladimir served that night and the manner of his and St. Seraphim's death.
May Archpriest Vladimir's MEMORY BE
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